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“Mouldings In Practice”
Mouldings In Practice was written by planemaker Matt Bickford for the advancing woodworker with the beginner in mind.
This book illustrates a necessary strategy for making any straight, predetermined moulding profiles with hollows & rounds, regardless of previous knowledge.
Included in the text is setting up the planes, maintaining them, and, most importantly, having a strategy to execute predictably.
Mouldings In Practice is a highly illustrated technical manual and modern-day justification for an 18th-century tool in your shop and in your hands.
Please visit my publisher, Lost Art Press, if this book is backordered
(Planes Not Included)
#11 Hollow/Round Pair
#11 Hollow/Round pair cuts a concave and convex shape that has a 11/16" radius.
Further information regarding Hollows & Rounds may be found here.
(Note: I prefer payment before delivery, not when placing an order. If this product is on back order please consider placing the order by sending an email to This way you won't have to instantaneously pay for an item that won't be delivered immediately. Thank you.)