rabbet plane
Showing all 3 results
3/4″ Rabbet Plane
This 3/4" rabbet plane will be the perfect supplement to your hollows & rounds, dedicated moulding planes, joinery, and general wood working.
(Note: I prefer payment before delivery, not when placing an order. If this product is on back order please consider placing the order by sending an email to matt@msbickford.com. This way you won't have to instantaneously pay for an item that won't be delivered immediately. Thank you.)
Composite Set M
This comprehensive set of planes includes a Quarter Set of Hollows & Rounds, a 7/8" Rabbet Plane, and a pair of Snipes Bills.
This larger set of planes may be all that you need for the scale of work you pursue.
Further information regarding Hollows & Rounds may be found here.
(Note: I prefer payment before delivery, not when placing an order. If this product is on back order please consider placing the order by sending an email to matt@msbickford.com. This way you won't have to instantaneously pay for an item that won't be delivered immediately. Thank you.)
7/8″ Boxed Rabbet Plane
Rabbets are a necessary aspect for using hollows and rounds. A traditional rabbet plane is the best method for executing these features by hand.
Please designate size and whether you are left or right handed.
(Note: I prefer payment before delivery, not when placing an order. If this product is on back order please consider placing the order by sending an email to matt@msbickford.com. This way you won't have to instantaneously pay for an item that won't be delivered immediately. Thank you.)